The company

A World of Cereals,
A World of Quality for Everyone

Volpato Nello and Luigino has years of experience in the seed sector. We are involved in managing and drying cereals, seeds, fertilizers and soya, as well as feed and agricultural materials.
Our headquarters is in Fossalunga, in the province of Treviso.

A Nine Decade Long Story

Our beginning dates back to 1920, when wheat was cultivated in the countryside. Commercial exchanges in those times took place on a bicycle trail when peasant families brought one or two bags at a time directly to the mill. Since then, 90 years have passed. In the midst of events, investments, expansions and new establishments, our company has also continued to grow and evolve. 

One of the first major changes in our business goes back to 1948 when the Volpato family decided to buy a truck and start an independent business. In the early post war years, the economic situation of rural areas had changed dramatically. With the cultivation of soft grain, the peasants had started focusing on a new crop, corn. Investments were focused on this new opportunity and we went ahead with the purchase of selected corn seeds and the construction of storage facilities for the crop.

In the sixties, we installed the first sloping dryer with built-in sloping tiles. The next decade was characterized by the acquisition of another production site in Mogliano Veneto, the construction of the first silos for grain storage and the installation of the first modern dryers. In the 1980s, we further strengthened our commercial position with expansions, installation of new dryers, the inauguration of a third establishment in Trebaseleghe (PD) and the start of the sale of fertilizers, seeds and plant protection products.

In the nineties, we opened a fourth harvesting point for cereals and commenced the sale of agricultural products in San Marco di Resana. We purchased the Pauro mill in Campodarsego (PD), which was to be later named Molino Volpato, with the intention of closing the production cycle, from seed to flour.
Over the last decade, our units in Fossalunga and Trebaseleghe have been further enlarged with the construction of new warehouses, the installation of new dryers at San Marco di Resana and the setting up of storage for fertilizers. We also opened a new collection point for the sale of agricultural and gardening products as well as domestic animals in Loria. 

While we have grown steadily and swiftly, we have not compromised on our quality. We are proud bearers of the ISO 9000 certification, two product certifications for corn and GMP + certification. We also have four laboratories dedicated to the quality control of the physical and sanitary characteristics of the raw materials marketed. This research and development effort has strengthened our customer relations. We are recognized as a benchmark among suppliers in terms of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the raw materials we market, making us one of the most important players in the Italian food and beverage industry.

In the recent years, we have undertaken another maize-based food production project. We have worked with some of our suppliers to produce a semi-vitreous corn intended for human consumption. This will be used in the form of flakes, or quality flours for the preparation of polenta, a typical dish of our areas, or for the preparation of baby foods. Our position is further strengthened by other important companies who trust us with the supply of semi-finished products for the industry. We are accorded preference by more than 5,000 farmers each year, who besides conferring their crops to our plants, can obtain technical assistance and all the necessary products from us.

The history and experience gained in these ninety years translates into attention to quality, customer satisfaction and social function for the territory and for the agricultural tradition. Our customers and interlocutors see us as a reliable and secure business, attentive to their various requests and requirements. At the same time, we continue to confer profound attention to technical innovations to improve our working environment. All these characteristics make Volpato Nello & Luigino a flagship brand of ‘Made in Italy’ products in the agro-industrial sector.

Call +39 0423 489 152 and discover all the treated varieties

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